The Insurgent Freethinkers


ENFJ Heroines:

Diana Prince “Wonder Woman,” Wonder Woman

Neytiri, Avatar

Padme Amidala, The Star Wars Saga

Maergery Tyrell, Game of Thrones

Jane Foster, Thor (soon to be Lady Thor)

She-Ra Princess Adora, She-Ra

Jean Grey “Phoenix,” The X-Men Saga

Ellie Sattler, Jurassic Park

Miriam Maisal, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisal

Wendy Testaburger, South Park

Judy Hopps, Zootopia

Duchess Satine Kryze, The Clone Wars

Joy, Inside Out

Bridget von Hammersmark, Inglorious Basterds

Bo-Peep, Toy Story 4

Frigga, Thor

Leslie Knope, Parks and Recreation

Marion Ravenwood, Raiders of the Lost Ark


ENFJ Heroes:

Jules Winfield, Pulp Fiction

William Wallace, Braveheart

Mance Rayder, Game of Thrones

Mufasa, The Lion King

Jor-El, Superman

Bail Organa, Star Wars Saga

Wedge Antilles, Star Wars Saga

Caleb, Ex Machina


ENFJ Villains

The High Sparrow, Game of Thrones

Quentin Beck “Mysterio,” Spider-Man

Carter Berk, Aliens

Miranda Tate “Talia Ah Ghul,” The Dark Knight Trilogy

Commodus, Gladiator

Hans, Frozen

The Other Mother, Coraline

ENFJ – The Insurgent Freethinker

In fiction, what do the ENFJ characters all have in common?

Idealism. Leadership. Adventure.

The Insurgent Freethinker goes against the tide and stands up for what’s right. Period. This personality type has a beautiful brain to match their unapologetic will for change. They have a strong moral compass, and can’t sit by when injustice goes unchecked. You’re the one who delivers the passionate speech about what’s wrong with the world. But unlike most people, you have a plan to make it right. You’re good at justifying your position and people listen to you because they sense that you’ll carry out your plan. When others find excuses, you insist on action. Unlike most other heroic personalities, you seek buy-in. You have the overwhelming urge to convince the world of your righteous cause rather than acting out unilaterally. You say what needs to be said, but you do so in your own words, a rare and powerful ability. Everyone knows about the streak of idealism that runs through your veins. You challenge the status quo and discover new dimensions beyond conventional wisdom. For you, big-picture issues are at stake, while everyone else seems to be obsessing over the small stuff. Many of the heroines and heroes on the list below are involved on a political level or become outright revolutionaries.

The Insurgent Freethinker is also action-oriented, which makes you dangerous. You’ll do something. With your combination of imagination and patience, you develop a realistic strategy for changing the world. And because you empathize deeply with other people, both socially and personally, you’re surprisingly effective as making your ideas mass appealing. You’ll capture the hearts and minds of the masses, who are the people you truly care about. You have an explosive blend of genuine compassion and fiery resolve. This inspires others to your cause. Even your enemies know you’re sincere. You may even find yourself standing at the front of a great host of people, the vanguard of the revolution, prepared to topple the corrupt or failing institutions of the world.

Since you’re the whistle-blower and willing to act, you consciously or unconsciously sense the dangers of your call to action. This can cause you to become averse to confrontation in the early goings. Because of your empathy with others and desire for victory through reason, you run the risk of being indecisive and ineffective with half-measures. You may even take up another minor cause just to avoid your destiny. Don’t wait too long! You’re built for the good fight. You know what you must do. When you finally get going, the Insurgent Freethinker is a sight to behold.


When Insurgent Freethinkers Become Villains

Idealism has lead many down the wrong path of destiny. When an ENFJ character sours on the world, they may inadvertently rally the masses to a dangerous cause that proves to be a destructive. In fiction, the two dark qualities that seem to separate the heroes from the villains are personal ambition and a negative outlook on the world. Whereas the heroines and heroes of your personality see change itself as the catalyst to better the world, the villains fall into retribution justice over change. They discover a greater desire to destroy the existing order more so than help it evolve . Secondly, ambition. When an Insurgent-Freethinker values their own success more than the cause, look out. ENFJ villains can become blinded by self-serving ambitions. Power and success will become more important than the guiding moral you sought to champion. When this happens, the Insurgent Freethinker may lead the entire revolution toward a disatrous end. Luckily, the overwhelming majority of fictional characters with your personality have chosen good over evil.



According to the “MBTI Manual” published by CPP, The Insurgent Freethinker accounts for only 2.5% of the world population. 1.6% of men and 3.3% of women are ENFJs. 

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