The Wise Maestros


INFJ Heroines:

Galadriel, Lord of the Rings

The Oracle, The Matrix Trilogy

The Ancient One, Doctor Strange

Hester Prynne, The Scarlet Letter

Shaak Ti, The Clone Wars

Aayla Secura, The Clone Wars

Eva, Ex Machina

Psyche (Greek mythology)

Deanna Troi, Star Trek: The Next Generation

Anne Elliot, Persuasion

Olivia Benson, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

Meredith Grey, Grey’s Anatomy

Rose Dawson, Titanic

Lisa Simpson, The Simpsons

Sayuri, Memoirs of a Geisha

Leloo, The Fifth Element

Hippoyta, Wonder Woman

Elizabeth Bennet, Pride and Prejudice


INFJ Female Villains

Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones

Maleficent, Maleficent

Melissandre, Game of Thrones

Elsa, Frozen


INFJ Heroes

Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars Saga

Morpheus, The Matrix Trilogy

Vision, The Avengers

Varys, Game of Thrones

Aragorn, The Lord of the Rings

Merlin, King Arthur

Li Mu Bai, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

Jay Gatsby, The Great Gatsby

Charles Xavier “Professor X,” The X-Men Saga

Ted Mosby, How I Met Your Mother

Kyle Broflowski, South Park

John Locke, Lost

Qui-Gonn Jinn, Star Wars Saga

Treebeard, Lord of the Rings

Galen Erso, Rogue One

Mike Wheeler, Stranger Things


INFJ Male Villains

Loki, The Avengers

Count Dracula, Dracula

Don Vito Corelone, The Godfather

Ra’s Al Ghul, The Dark Knight Trilogy

INFJ – The Wise Maestro

In fiction, what do INFJ characters all have in common?

Guidance. Patience. Neutrality.

Yes, good maestro, we are humbled to be in your presence. You are the rarest of all the personality types. You have an especially potent mix of character traits, which puts you in the role of a mentor-warrior. You’re the silent type who speaks intuitively and intelligently. You’re introspective and thoughtful. You are the dungeon master who guides people in one direction or another, a conductor before the orchestra, quietly shaping events without a lot of grandiosity. People come to you because you usually have answers. More than mere information, though, you provide unusually perceptive answers and draw from instinctive wisdom. You have the remarkable ability to wait patiently for the right idea, concept, or strategy to materialize in your mind. You’re rare in that you are very strategic, which is typically a core byproduct of a mathematical mind, except…you somehow do it without the math. It’s very rare for creatives to be so precise. You’re Machiavellian in approach to life and problems, and yet, unlike Nicolo Machiavelli, you bring compassionate into your decisions. Even villains with this personality have a code of conduct they go by. You’re an artist in your thinking and a soldier in your actions. You make an excellent counselor or adviser. Although you may not always be the one in charge, you still have the extraordinary capacity for leadership.

Another core commonality for the Wise Maestro is their ability to facilitate change. Your personality type is central to countless stories. You’re a natural strategist who understands the human part of the equation. You play the long game toward achieving change and prefer a subversive rather than openly rebellious approach. If there’s a corrupt or oppressive system in the world, the Wise Maestro will be at work, quietly guiding and inspiring others into heroic actions. Although circumstances often compel to you stand before a crowd or audience to answer questions and issue judgments, you’re still a natural introvert. Wise Maestros often develop a stage persona to counter their preference for a more intimate group of friends, but this is only because your ideas and expertise are so highly sought after. You’re needed in the public sphere. In the end, though, you prefer privacy and creature comforts.

A fascinating recurrent theme in INFJ characters is a odd preference for neutrality. Even when you favor one side in a conflict, many Wise Maestros opt for a more neutral level of engagement. Some withdraw temporarily or insist on an advisory role only. You rarely feel that it is up to you alone to play the role of hero or heroine. INFJ villains sometimes play both sides simultaneously, hide a personal agenda, or even switch allegiances.

Lastly, in your solitude, you often seek the simplicity of play. A burdened mind truly needs an outlet for innocent camaraderie and warm humor. Your upside can sometimes also be your downside in that you tend to be a bit of a perfectionist. If you’re too careful, too methodical, or too playful, you may stray toward unproductive habits or frivolity. But you, the Wise Maestro, will be there in the end, guiding, steering, orchestrating events to your liking, and usually for the good of all. Your talents are like a vintage wine, you only get better as time goes by.


When Wise Maestros Become Villains

Lucky for the fictional world, this doesn’t happen all that often. But when an INFJ personality goes bad, they make potent villains. There are two villainous paths for your personality. One is circumstance. If you’re starting point is an evil enterprise, then you will be at its center, calmly directing the the course from your lair. You will be surrounded by your creature comforts while the outside world comes to you. However, the other pathway in fiction for Wise Maestro villain-hood arises from two qualities: doubt and weak resolve. When you are unclear or unsure about the course you’ve chosen, some Wise-Maestros may suddenly pivot and reverse course. A hero one moment and a villain the next. The odd pull toward neutrality and non-commitment may cause you to lose faith and shift allegiances.



According to the “MBTI Manual” published by CPP, The Wise Maestro accounts for only 1.5% of the world population, making it the rarest of all 16 personality types. A scant 1.2% of men (rarest for men) and 1.6% of women (3rd rarest for women) are INFJs. 


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