The Brilliant Loners
INTP Heroines
Felicity Smoak “Overwatch,” Arrow
Michelle Jones “MJ,” – Spider-man
Liz Lemon, 30 Rock
Alice, Alice in Wonderland
Dr. Helen Cho, The Avengers
Grace Augustine, Avatar
Ryan Stone, Gravity
April Ludgate, Parks and Recreation
Amy Farrah Fowler, The Big Band Theory
Ariadne, Inception
Theresa, The Mazerunner
Violet Baudelaire, A Series of Unfortunate Events
INTP Heroes
Neo, The Matrix Trilogy
Yoda, Star Wars Saga
Bruce Banner “The Hulk,” The Avengers
Lucius Fox, The Dark Knight Trilogy
Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park
Bernard Lowe, Westworld
Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock Holmes
Victor Stone “Cyborg,” DC Universe
Egon, Ghostbusters
Doc Brown, The Back to the Future Trilogy
Hank Pym, Ant-Man
Will Hunting, Good Will Hunting
Parzival, Ready Player One
Jon Osterman “Doctor Manhattan,” The Watchmen
Spencer (Bravestone), Jumanji
Stan Marsh, South Park
Data, Star Trek: The Next Generation
Thomas, The Mazerunner
Abe Sapien, Hellboy
INTP Villains
Victor Frankenstein, Frankenstein
Qyburn, Game of Thrones
Edward Nygma “The Riddler,” Gotham
Smaug, The Hobbit
INTP – The Brilliant Loner
In fiction, what do INTP characters all have in common?
Opinion. Eccentricity. Invention.
Take a picture. The Brilliant Loner is a rare bird in this world, and you rarely venture out into the sunlight. As a heroic individual, you’re a bit of a homebody, but that’s because your brain is always at work. You need some privacy to sort through all your big ideas. You’re unique combination of precision and creativity give you the incredible capacity to be a true visionary. You tend to view your masterworks with the same protective love as parents do their children. You’re more scientist than artist, though, a natural coder, physicist, chemist, or tactician because you’re logical and orderly in your thinking. You can process complex mathematical abstractions and still manage to keep track of all the variables. You have big ideas but not everyone understands you or your big ideas. And so, you prefer isolation more than most, where you can put your mind to work and not have to explain yourself all the time.
Another interesting factor to your personality is your willingness to take risks and stay active. Even though you like to be alone, you still have a strong sense of adventure in you. Your logic-driven daring is perhaps the reason you play things close to the vest. You tend to have a set of principles to guide you. When you see injustices in the world, you will often try to devise a solution to the problem, even if your solution is equally dangerous. You dare to grapple with the outside world out of a sense of obligation and personal investment. Your vision or inventions may be at stake, so heroic action is required. In pop culture, these are the shut-in nerd-types who are inspired to command big action sequences. Not all shut-in’s stay shut in and you’re willing to wing it in fight or chase scene. Even though a lot of special attention and publicity isn’t your thing, when it comes to disagreements, you usually speak up. Because you’re quiet most of the time, when you do speak up, you tend to make a splash, possibly spearheading an unpopular position that needs a voice.
Also, the Brilliant Loner spends so much time thinking and defending their visions that this personality type using carries some repressed emotions. If you are a woman, then you are especially unique. There are very few heroines or female villains with this personality in pop culture. Out of all the personality styles I studied, YOU are the rarest, most unique of them all. Only 5% of the male population share your personality type, and even less, only 2% of the female population, match you. So, if you’re a writer, provide the world with examples of yourself! I found no solid examples of female villains who are the Brilliant Loner. But, we know you’re out there.
When Brilliant Loners Become Villains
Luckily, this personality type doesn’t has very few villains in fiction. The few Brilliant Loners who turn to evil are mostly scientific minds whose ambitions exceeds their restraint. They are quiet villains who go about their business in their quiet lair, unlocking secrets and perhaps experimenting with forbidden science. The Brilliant Loner brand of villainy is unlike other malefactors in that they don’t seem to harbor a hatred toward society or the “good.” Brilliant Loner villains seek to further their explorations and satiate their intellectual curiosity without interference, even when the science is taboo or unethical. And this is what puts them at odds with the world. They have strayed. They’ve gone too far and for these villains, there’s no turning back. Whoever comes to confront the nefarious Brilliant Loner will have a hard time. Because INTP’s are reclusive, they’re often difficult to find. They also have the ability to summon their dark sciences as an ally against those who would seek to thwart them. And when the showdown against the Brilliant Loner finally occurs, the forces of good better be prepared to face unknown horrors.
According to the “MBTI Manual” published by CPP, The Brilliant Loner accounts for 3.3% of the world population. 4.8% of men and 1.7% of women are INTPs.
Women of History Personality Table
- ENFJ - The Femme Rebelle
- INFJ - The Wise Maestra
- ENFP - The Woman of Valor
- INTJ - The Shadow Valkyrie
- ENTJ - The Militant Empress
- INTP - The Madam Genius
- ENTP - The Sultana Savant
- ESFP - The Goddess Complex
- ISTP - The Rogue Princess
- ESTP - The The Amazon Warrior
- ESFJ - The Matriarch of the Arts
- ISTJ - The Stoic Queen
- ESTJ - The Madam Commander
- INFP - The Spiritual Heroine
- ISFJ - The Shield-Maiden
- ISFP - The Unexpected Pioneer