The Unyielding Stoics
ISTJ Heroines
Katniss Everdeen, The Hunger Games Saga
Okoye, Black Panther
Nebula – Guardians of the Galaxy
Anna, Frozen
Queen Elisabeth, The Crown
Rebecca Jordan “Newt,” Aliens
Hope Van Dyne “The Wasp,” Ant-man and the Wasp
Dana Scully, The X-Files
Angela, The Office
Agent Maria Hill, Marvel Universe
Rachel, Bladerunner
Bo-Katan Kryze, The Mandalorian
Temperance Brennan, Bones
Queen Maeve, The Boys
Minerva McGonagall, The Harry Potter Saga
Macedonia, Far Away Bird
ISTJ Female Villains
The Borg Queen, Star Trek
Nurse Ratched, One Flew Over the Coo Coo’s Nest
Minn-Erva, Captain Marvel
ISTJ Heroes
Rick Grimes, The Walking Dead
Eddard Stark, Game of Thrones
Mace Windu, The Star Wars Saga
Robocop, Robocop
James Rhodes “War Machine,” The Avengers
Mother’s Milk, The Boys
Caesar, Planet of the Apes Trilogy
The Punisher, The Punisher
Cpl. Hicks, Aliens
Wong, Doctor Strange
Sheldon, The Big Bang Theory
Cassian Andor, Rogue One
Thorin Oakenshield, The Hobbit
Admiral Ackbar, Star Wars Saga
ISTJ Villains
Darth Vader, Star Wars Saga
The Terminator, The Terminator Saga
Stannis Baratheon, Game of Thrones
Ronan the Accuser, Guardians of the Galaxy
Korath the Pursuer, Guardians of the Galaxy
Admiral Piett, Star Wars Saga
ISTJ – The Unyielding Stoic
In fiction, what do ISTJ characters all have in common?
Willpower. Persistence. Results.
The Unyielding Stoic is statuesque in their emotional control. You’ve learned to bury your feelings as a way to maintain your authority and keep people at a distance at the same time. You wear your poker face like a mask. And once you make up your mind, you rarely change it. Your rigid attitude makes you an unbelievably effective person when life or circumstance hands you an objective. You prefer to follow your own counsel and keep your reasons to yourself. Because you calculate everything, you have a strategy for everything.
Even social situations are a battlefield in your mind. Your hard-practical nature makes you a human calculator in terms of going about your business. You can be a ruthless pursuer of specific outcomes and tend to solve problems with accuracy and cunning. You notice the details that others often miss. You’re also very stubborn when it comes to changing your plan. You prefer to stick to your plan no matter what and analyze it later rather flip-flop decisions midstream.
If you are a hero or heroine, then you’re often a critical leader in a crisis because you never let emotions cloud your judgment. If you are a villain, then watch out. Your unwavering mentality makes you a formidable, relentless opponent because, like a machine, you’ll never stop until the job is done. You’re mathematical in your thinking and rational in your application of strategy. Your control over your emotions has made you extremely efficient at completing tasks. Also, you also tend to be patient and cool-headed, allowing you to pounce on the mistakes of your enemies. Not everyone likes your leadership style, but then again, they aren’t the leader. The Unyielding Stoic has no sympathy for those who question them and sometimes lack compassion. But your enemies will rarely ruffle your feathers. Your loyalty to the cause is unquestioned. You may not be one for the big ideas, but you are the one who will carry them out. The Unyielding Stoic overcomes all obstacles and finishes what they start.
When Unyielding Stoic Become Villains
The good news is that the Unyielding Stoic makes up a larger percentage of people on planet earth. The bad news is that they make great villains in fiction. Arguably, the greatest villain of all time shares your personality, Darth Vader. When ISTJ characters serve the bad guys, then watch out. They prove to be relentless and machine-like. The quality that seems to tilt an Unyielding Stoic toward the path of evil is an uncanny desire to restore order. All these villains believe that the world (or universe) went awry and needs a dramatci correction. Without any moral restraints, Unyielding Stoics will summon all resources toward the narrow focus of defeating their opponent. That makes an ISTJ villain very tough to beat. Each example of this type of villain refuses to compromise, refuses to rest, and trends toward ruthlessness. Unemotional, these villains feel little remorse for their actions and operate on a pure form of confrontation logic: win. Remember, Unyielding Stoics are not the warmest people persons. So when people are the enemy, the ISTJ villain will pursue and destroy with the same coldness as playing a game of chess. It’s no surprise that many characters on the list, both heroes & heroines the same as villains, are all or part machine.
According to the “MBTI Manual” published by CPP, The Unyielding Stoic accounts for 11.6% of the world population, making it the third most frequent personality type. 16.4% of men (the highest) and 6.9% of women are ISTJs.
Women of History Personality Table
- ENFJ - The Femme Rebelle
- INFJ - The Wise Maestra
- ENFP - The Woman of Valor
- INTJ - The Shadow Valkyrie
- ENTJ - The Militant Empress
- INTP - The Madam Genius
- ENTP - The Sultana Savant
- ESFP - The Goddess Complex
- ISTP - The Rogue Princess
- ESTP - The The Amazon Warrior
- ESFJ - The Matriarch of the Arts
- ISTJ - The Stoic Queen
- ESTJ - The Madam Commander
- INFP - The Spiritual Heroine
- ISFJ - The Shield-Maiden
- ISFP - The Unexpected Pioneer